Hi Glaxony,
Since we are taking up so much space on Trapper's forum I started addressing your responses on my forum instead. This will also make it easier to find the answers so you will stop claiming to not having seen the answers given in posts you responded to because they are "buried". Here is a link to the start of the new thread:
I say this as a friend. I am not beholden to any clique here. And I have friends here who love you to death..... and, well some that don't.
I do think that the people who respect you most would say you have much better things to do with your time then "this"........
And I will leave it at that.
Yes, I have better things to do with my time such as working on my cancer book.
But we are still talking about people's heath and safety and so I see it as being important for people to get the facts. And the more that Glaxony wants to argue the more his comments and my evidence prove that "liver flushing" is quackery. Eventually he will run out of lies about me and get tired of his games and the debate will end with all the evidence to the truth there for all to see.
Glaxony is a female. Pretty obvious in her videos...did you watch them?
No, I have never been to Glaxony's YouTube channel.
But there was a comment a while back made by her that led me to believe she was a male. Sorry for the mistake, now I know Glaxony is female.
But THOUSANDS of these have been done in my 6 years here.
And I have yet to see a single case of an emergency room visit.
Actually there was a case not too long ago where the lady stuck to the its anxiety story. But I addressed the fact that her own words proved that it was not anxiety but rather a gallbladder attack, and she had been doing the flushes. She ended up in the hospital.
Just because people are wanting to deny the adverse effects they experience does not mean they are not happening.
You say-
"Just because people are wanting to deny the adverse effects they experience does not mean they are not happening.
How can anyone deny a condition that requires surgery?
She had a gallbladder attack, not pancreatitis. Just because someone has a gallbladder attack this does not mean they need surgery. It was bad enough for her to end up in the hospital though and it could have been a lot worse.
Actually her side effects were from acute lead poisoning as evidenced by the parasthesia in her arms.
The stones she released were rock hard and black which knowledgeable flushers know comes from the high levels of heavy metal contained therein. As the stones passed through her intestines, the lead reabsorbed into her bloodstream. I told her to take activated willow charcoal and the symptoms subsided.
She did not have gallbladder attack.
I have no idea who you are talking about since this does not describe who I am referring to. You must be talking about one of your imaginary friends again. The lady I am referring to had symptoms of a gallbladder attack, which did not include parasthesia.
Actually there was a case not too long ago where the lady stuck to the its anxiety story."
There was only one case of an emergencey room visit in the past 2 years. How long ago is "not too long ago"?
Panic attack. Shortness of breath. Parasthesia in her arm. Black rock hard gallstones. All the signs of lead poisoning.
So with your expert diagnostic skills would you diagnose yourself as borderline schizophrenic, senile, or mildly retarded?
Actually there was a case not too long ago where the lady stuck to the its anxiety story."
There was only one case of an emergencey room visit in the past 2 years. How long ago is "not too long ago"?
Panic attack. Shortness of breath. Parasthesia in her arm. Black rock hard gallstones. All the signs of lead poisoning.
There was not mention of parasthesia and no mention either whatsoever of "black rock hard gallstones". So again, I have no idea what case you are talking about, but it is not the same one as I am referring to.
By the way, black rock hard gallstones are not a symptom of lead poisoning. This is why people do not take you seriously. You keep making things up to fit your needs.
I think there is something mentally wrong with you. I can't name one mentally balanced person who would prolong such a conversation. There is something off in a person who would keep beating this into the earth. As others have observed it is a supreme waste of time. You won't see it that way but bet most others do. They are all wrong though correct?
This from someone that feels they have to hide behind a number and the only time they post to me is just to attack. What kind of mental disorders do these actions fall under?
And what does this say about Glaxony being that every day when I wake up there is all sorts of replies to my messages? Some of them I never responded too because there are too many of them.
Clearly you have some weird stalking affliction for me and feel the need to attack me just so I will show you some attention.