I'm sorry that you were hurt and that your trust was damaged. Many times, bitching people out is a defense mechanism - if we come off tough, mean, and aggressive, then we won't appear vulnerable. If we don't appear vulnerable, then nobody will take advantage of us. But, because our trust is damaged and we cannot experience true intimacy (not necessarily sexua| intimacy), we are angry. We are angry that we have to protect ourselves. We are angry that we cannot or will not trust others. We are angry that we have to act like someone that we don't necessarily want to be. We would love to be a softer, gentler, and more trusting individual, but our fears override that urge and we are angry. We're also angry at the person or people who damaged our trust.
Anger is a part of the Healing Process - "On Death And Dying" talks extensively about the steps of grieving, and anger is one of the hardest to manage, I think. It may be a good idea to consider counseling therapy, now.
Engaging in counseling therapy does not mean that a person is crazy, out-of-control, disordered, psychotic, or needs medication. Counseling therapy opens the door to emotional healing with someone who is trained and objective. Someone who will tell us what we should hear, not necessarily what we want to hear. A good counselor is worth thrice their weight in gold - we cannot put a pricetag on our emotional health.
If someone's water-main is broken, they call a plumber. If someone's car engine is malfunctioning, they take it to a mechanic. If we are stuck in our personal healing, it seems logical to seek out a competent therapist that can give us the tools that we need to heal ourselves.
Brightest blessings to you