Amazing results from my 12th
Liver Flush showing that persistence, perseverance, dedication, and effort pay off in the long run:
From 7am until 1pm I had several dramatic releases of dark jade green bile and particulate. I was surprised to find that many of the stones being released were very small like a grain of sand- something I had not seen since my very first flush...an indicator that smaller auxiliary bile ducts were clearing out.
But more interesting than the small stones was the accompanying chaff and debris which sank to the bottom of the toilet. Upon close inspection, it was clearly small pieces of biliary sludge intermixed and suspended by small pieces of hyphal candida....what I first saw in my 5th flush along with those stones covered in candida. But what really stood out about the candida pieces was that they were very thin- like a piece of string or hair. Most were less than half an inch, a few were 1- 1.5
inches long. Incredibly, these hyphal formations appear to have released from the smaller bile ducts of my liver!
It gives me hope but also a sobering realization of the reality at hand for me and my liver. It is not exactly "easy" to eliminate fungal candida from the gut, let alone the liver. It seems that a full flush with adequate preparation is necessary for each opportunity to purge the fungus...which I only can muster every 3 to 6 weeks. But it is possible. Not to mention the fact that this flush was really the culmination of the last 3 months...flush # 10 was a dud; flush 11 was mediocre but gave me the clue of the stone covered in candida.
So for those of you who become disheartened after 1 or two unsuccessful flushes... don't give up! The work you put in will pay off with perseverance. Just make sure you are addressing every aspect of your health in the meanwhile.
Total count for flush 12:
15 stones chick pea size
30 stones pea size
50 stones lentil size
100 stones sesame size
200+ sand size
Several tablespoons of sludgy chaff/candida particulate