Russian Troops Invited/Mark of the Beast Begins
By Dr. Bill Deagle, vision received January 2 1999
In the middle of the night, the angel Gabriel came to me. He announced that he was sent to correct a serious error in what I was thinking about the world leader that would be the False Prophet. [Editors note: A False Prophet of the secular harlot of America is the President.]
In a flash , I stood with him outside on the lawn in front of the Washington Monument. The President was on a platform, with many secret service men about watching security.
Tomorrow, I ask that all citizens will report in an orderly fashion for a more secure national identification. This final step in our phased-in National ID program will assure peace and security for all our citizens. Violence in our streets and theft will end. Illegal sales of drugs will be removed from the dangerous hearts of our inner cities. Medical care and social security will take a major leap forward. This new ID Chip will make the chances of a medical mistaken identity, resulting in the death of a loved one, impossible.
The rights of all minorities in our great nation will be guaranteed: the right to live in a clean and safe world, free from drugs, violence and the oppression of poverty. Join me in a call to peace and security that will end the troubles that came at the outset of this New Millennium with Y2K,
Terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
This is a time to personally agree with me in an oath to save our Nation and our planet. Resolve with me, your President to join in creating a New World Order, one based on not only the brotherhood of all men but of all life forms on Earth.
This is the challenge I ask you to meet tomorrow, as we witness to the whole world. May our example and our determination to save our nation and our world prepare us for the challenge of the Golden Millennium!"
Neutron Fuse
By Dr. Bill Deagle, February 4, 1999.
I received this dream just before I left on the second tour for The Prophecy Club.
As we stood in a control room with flashing computer screens and control board lights, he directed my gaze to a panel in front of us. He said, "Look and tell me what you see!" I looked and saw only a large, plain-looking panel with some writing above the flip panel that said "Neutron Fuse". He raised the panel so I could see under it, and then the angel asked, "Now what do you see?" A large white bubble-shaped button in the center was surrounded with switches and lights indicating a dual unlocking system and activation sequence.
He asked, "What do you think will happen when this system is activated and the President of the United States gives the order to push the white button in the center?"
I replied, "I don't know!"
I asked, "Why would they do this terrible thing to our communications and when will it take place?"
He replied, "When the enemy has invaded America, at the invitation of the President to force the Mark on all US citizens; then to destroy any opposition, this system will be used to take out communications and all services that rely on microchips, such as power generation and distribution. Then the Great Falling Away will occur,
[2TH 2:1] Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
[2] That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
[3] Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
[4] Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; sothat he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.] and the Holy People will die too numerous to count."
I asked, "If this is to happen, what good will it be for me to know and tell the people?"
He said, "The people of our Lord Jesus, who hear his voice personally and in cell churches, will have fled to places of refuge. They must know that they must shield their electronics, generators, and other microchip equipment from EMP, (electromagnetic pulse). See, here is what will happen on the freeways of America."
Suddenly, I stood with him on a hill looking down on the freeway of Los Angeles, and an endless stream of automobiles lined up with near silence except for the occasional shouts of frustrated motorists and screams from local skirmishes. It was the start of sunset and the eerie silence with the motionless egg-like shaped cars, lined up over the horizon, showed me how helpless we are in large
modern cities.
I asked, "What will happen?"
At the appointed time He will execute the sentence swiftly, and none of the evil ones will understand or prepare for what is to take place. Sleep now, but remember this vividly, for they must know the truth-those who will be preserved through the fires of tribulation-for a remnant will the Lord keep in the land."
Red, Blue, and Green Badges & When The Revolution Begins
By Dr. Bill Deagle, vision received September 1998
While praying and reading the scriptures, I received the following vision of the times spoken of by Dimitru Duduman, when the revolution would start and America would have the places like Sodom and Gomorrah attacked.
I saw helicopters with the signs of the United Nations, and many thousands of Americans in lines waiting to receive the Mark of the Beast. He told me to watch as the Chinese navy, on the West Coast base we gave them, became a secondary staging ground for the invasion. The primary invasion was our own military bases. The angel showed me how our New World Order US government officials gave these bases to the invaders.
I was horrified as I watched. Deep below many airports and military bases, I saw those with Red badges, who were to executed for the word of their testimony, and they did not shrink from the faith in Jesus. Others, marked by Blue badges, worked in factories and were periodically brought to reprogramming camps and rooms where unspeakable in humane acts were performed on them to have them repent of their belief in the Truth and the Word. Elsewhere, those with the Green emblem smiled and went about life with peace on their well fed faces, and they feared not, for they had felt righteous in that they were saving the planet, or they knew falsely in their hearts that surely the Lord would not cast them out to outer darkness! Surely, once saved, they thought, I have eternal security, and the Lord Jesus I once received will not reject those he has taken into his arms.
Then Gabriel cringed as if in pain seeing this, for he said that their beliefs would bring them to destruction for they knew Him not!
I asked, "What is the end of these things?"
He said "Those that will hear the words of the witnesses of Jesus and the prophets of the END, would be stirred and throughout the kingdom of the Beast."
These would be high level masons, murderers, bankers, military men, teachers, doctors, laborers, and all the corporations of the Beast who will turn over those who would receive the Mark of the Sovereign Lord on their right hand or forehead. Even those who had taken the Oath to the Evil One and those most detestable, were among their numbers!
As I watched, he said, "Behold see those who feel secure in their righteousness, are lost while these most terrible before men are now washed righteous in the Blood of the Lamb!" In the spirit I fell on, my face weeping for those that call themselves by the name of the Lord, and the fate that they will face in outer darkness.
Suddenly, I was back beside the angel Gabriel, and he said, "America is Babylon and the Nation of the Anointing of Israel to bring the gospel to the world. All these things must come to pass, so that all Mercy and Justice of a Righteous God will be served."
I again asked what will happen to America? He said, "Revolution will start when the Evil One is revealed in the Tabernacle, and the Holy people are trampled underfoot with the attack on America and the nations that call themselves after the name of Jesus."
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]