i've been posting here a lot lately so didnt want to bother anyone with questions about this, but im trying to do a vitamin c flush and, i don't know if i just have a really high tolerance due to illness, or whether i am doing it wrong...
i am using "100% pure vitamin c powder" in the form of "ascorbic acid" (that's all the label says, no l- prefix or mention of calcium or sodium etc)...
i started off with 2 grams in just a little bit of water (and, because i was worried about the effect of the vitamin c powder on my /teeth/, i followed that and each dose of vitamin c, with /swishing/ (not swallowing) baking soda in hopes to neutralize any acid effect on my teeth... do you think that the baking soda swishing, could be interfering with the vitamin c that i'm drinking?)
i continued with 2 grams every 15 minutes... after 4 doses i started taking 4 grams each time...
after 4 more doses of 4 grams, i went up to 8 grams each time...
i am needing about 8oz water with each dose to handle that much vitamin c - too much? or not enough?
i am on my 4th dose now of 8 grams, and i believe i am up to ...88 grams total.
i understand some people get quite high, but i am worried because so far i dont even feel like anything's happening (except that im getting really bad heartburn and, whether its from the vitamin c OR the straight up baking soda in my mouth [?] my mouth feels RAW ...
UPDATE SINCE I POSTED THIS: i dont know if i used the wrong kind of vitamin c or, what i did wrong, but i burned my insides so badly, it's felt like acid was eating thru me, and it's making me VOMIT REPEATEDLY, i am praying for relief and that i havent done permanent damage! ...i dont know if i used the wrong vitamin c or what i did wrong but, to anyone considering to do a vitamin c flush PLEASE BE CAREFUL...)
i just want to ask in case anyone's experienced with this, am i doing it wrong?
and... if i finally go to the bathroom, but not at first to the degree described in the tutorials i've read (my digestion was definitely sluggish, but i did go to the bathroom BEFORE starting this, so hopefully there should not be a blockage), should i keep going with my dose and when do i stop (or reduce to my maintenance dosage)?
thank you all for your wisdom and for helping me always thru my many, many health trials...