OK, I have been trying everything lately to stop the horrible fbo. I am losing clients over this bo now so I decided to try the
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract and saline solution nasal flush today. Glad I didn't do it over night because I am in a LOT of pain. I would never be able to sleep like this.
I have gotten my IBS symptoms and wet sensation "down there" under control. I smell nothing from any part of my body now. (I never smelled the fbo but could smell faint smells from diff parts of body). Yet I still get complaints at work....And a weird thing is I have a bad sense of smell. I get "phantom smells" from time to time (like cookies baking or bad smells no one else smells) so I thought I must have a sinus infection or something. Plus I have read a lot of threads on forums that discuss halitosis or sinus infections can fill a room with a fecal odor even if your mouth is shut the whole time. Here goes nothing. I will report back in a few days to let you know if it worked. If you have tried this method to cure bo, please write back about it. Thanks!