Michael B
Hey Tina,
There will be many who will tell you it's entirely possible to do it with natural substances only. Whether or not they or anyone else has achieved this is not certain. It also depends on what you consider "natural". For example, ALA could be considered natural.
The way I see it, it is completely against nature to stuff some kids mouth full of mercury. And so I don't see any qualms about incorporating "unnatural" substances like DMSA or DMPS to assist in the rectification of this travesty. I have had good experience with DMSA in fact I found it helped to eliminate candida colonies from my intestines (from it's sulfur content contributing to what some may misbrand as a candida "flareup"). I think you will be OK so long as you get sufficient nutrition and take adequate breaks in between rounds of chelation, like how Cutler recommends.
Best wishes on your healing journey.
Mikey B