When 'nice' guys are told, go to war and shoot strangers, the 'nice' guys say, ok.
When 'nice' guys are told, bend over so doc can take your colon out, 'nice' guys say, ok.
when nice women are told to cut thier breasts off for cancer day, they say, ok
when nice men are told, got to cut your prostate off, they say, ok. because they are nice aka ignorant-they do not know science
Mean people live longer because they tell the devil to get lost, go away, get outta here, Jesus cast devils into a herd of pigs. the linguistically challenged or hotheads just say to devils, f-ck off.
it's an A btw, wAnt on not wonton
who made up these words anyway... BABEL? tower of Babel. lol
Signed, a mean lean machine