Candida has been identified as causing skin problems like psoriasis and eczema as far back as 1950, just after the introduction of antibiotics, to as recently as last week where it was once again linked to psoriasis, skin rashes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and other autoimmune conditions -
One 7-day course of antibiotics can wipe out all the intestinal flora and beneficial flora elsewhere in the body. The only remaining bacteria will be antibiotic resistant, and remain the only bacteria present for months. The make-p of the body's flora will be permanently altered.
Lacking in beneficial bacteria, you will also experience nutrient deficiencies that contribute to many other imbalances, such as low HCL levels in the stomach. Low HCL levels will be involved with skin conditions, and loss of nutrient absorption of protein, iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, B12, Folic acid, since and other minerals.
Infections become more frequent due to a weakened immune system.