Hello all. I am going in to get an
Amalgam filling replaced next week. I was going to start this summer and had an appt scheduled for the removal of
Amalgam in one whole quadrant of my mouth for the end of May (I have 12 fillings total). However, there is a cavity under this one particular
Amalgam filling and it is becoming painful, so my dentist and I scheduled a quick appt to get started on that tooth. I don't have much time to get my protocol in place before the appt. I have a list from IAOMT of supplements to take. My question is about CHLORELLA. I have been taking 3 g of chlorella a day for mercury detox for months now. My teeth hurt every single day. I don't think it's my jaw- it really feels like my teeth- specifically all those big teeth with the mercury fillings. They just ache and feel like there is a lot of pressure in them. About a week ago, I stopped taking Chlorella for a week and the tooth pain stopped. I still had headaches most days (this has been the case for YEARS and I've addressed pretty much every other possible cause- I think it's the mercury) but I had no tooth pain. Since I knew I was going to get an amalgam out next week, I took 2 g of chlorella yesterday and had terrible tooth pain again. I know that high-dose chlorella can be used as part of a chelation protocol.
Is it possible that my tooth pain is from the chlorella having a chelating effect? Has anyone else heard of this at these low doses?
The pain feels terrible, and I really don't want to take chlorella till all
Amalgams are out if this is the case. However, if the pain is not from the chlorella (I just don't know enough about it), then maybe I should use it to protect myself during all these procedures? Any thoughts?
Thank you all so much.