I bought an I phone and signed a contract with ATT as service provider. I love it for 6 months. Then it started dropping calls and cutting out. They had more customers than they can serve adequately. I companied for two months. First they sent me to the Apple store and made me have the phones tested, to prove something wasn't wrong with the phones. I got the phone checked out and I was told nothing was wrong with it. My service was still inadequate. I had to endure because of the contract. So I bumped up to business class and bought a bother phone for business and used the old one for my friends and family.
This worked great for six months and now both my phones are inadequate.
They drop calls. When I try to call people back it won't ring. When I told ATT, they sent me to the Apple Store. The apple store checked out my phones and tell me they are both working properly, to have ATT re-provision them. ATT doesn't know what "reprovision" means. They took me off 3 G and now nobody can hear what a say, it sounds like paper rattling over my voice.
Basically I am paying $150 per month for the ability to text. As that is the only thing that works.