Tea leaf reading refers to fortune telling. The reader relaxes and concentrates to study the patterns made by the residue of tea leaves in china cup and make predictions based on intuition and clairvoyance for interpreting various symbols.
Materials used in this reading are tea granules or leaves, steaming water, wide mouthed china cup with saucer and spoons. A good reader will start making interpretations when the tea brews. The seeker will need to stir and take few sips of tea or strain to finally leave residue. Some interpretations are:
• Good sign if the tea spills while stirring.
• Floating bubbles imply incoming money.
• Floating leaves imply visits.
• Accidental placement of 2 spoons on the saucer implies arrival of twins.
• Placement of spoon face down implies bad health of a near one.
• Strong tea implies start of new friendship, while light tea implies an end of a friendship.
The reader will whirl the cup read the patterns. The cup handle is always pointed towards the person requesting the reading. Leaves resting at the bottom and located towards the right side of the handle are the ones that make predictions, while leaves on the left speak about the past.