I have been without TELEPHONE, CABLE, TV, COMPUTER-INTERNET, EMAILS and everything since Thursday!
So, now I'm back from the techno-dead, and couldn't wait to get on the computer and get my emails! Geesh. What did we ever do before? LOL
On top of that, the day before all that, I went to download some good free books to my Kindle and it wouldn't work! Argh! I just called Amazon and was thrilled that their fix was a simple 2-second fix.
Getting me thru three days of isolation, allowed me to watch the last of my Schulze DVD's and I just love them.
So, I have some questions, though. I've recently read about 4 stubborn reasons why weight is not coming off and I qualify for all four. Two of the four would be thyroid, and hormones.
I recently just flat out quit taking my thyroid meds; and I don't take any hormones, nor have I ever had any hormonal or menopausal symptoms or complaints (even though I went immediately into surgical menopause due to complete hysterectomy). The only 'complaint' I have is the obvious weight gain and ever thickening middle.
My other questions would be about shoulder/hip/knee issues..
So, I haven't seen or read anything of
Dr. Schulze s regarding thyroid, hormones, or hips/shoulders, etc that 'need replacing' and wanted to know more or what i should be doing about these?