About 7 years ago, 4 people claimed to be able to use the Clark cheap version syncrometer, Hulda, David, Clark's driver and a girl that teaches the class, 4 people who sought to make $$$ from it. The computer device can cost $15,000+ and many use it today and charge a customer $300 and again, they want to make $$$ and they sell a ton of worthless vitamins to the personm based on the computer read out.
Dr. Clark says it test down to 3 trillionths and I am sorry to say, such a device should test positive for every chemical on earth at that rate.
I have had the early models (pitched them in the trash), videoed Dr. Clark teaching the class, became friends with the students and not one could do it. I believe everything vibrates and resonates and the positive signal comes via what the person wants it to say based on their current understanding 100% idental to all muscle testers in this world, the syncrometer being nothing but a glorified muscle testing device meant to defraud in gain of $$$$. dr.clark.com has made many millions of dollars with this gimmick.
Dr. Christopher and David Christopher ran into many who swore in muscle testing (Nature Sunshine made hundreds of millions based on this fraud, headed up by Frank M.)and the Christopher's had them do a double blind test and never could anyone pass it. Just like the syncrometer operator, they have to be in charge of the test or they are 100% lost. Muscle testers will swear their method is 100% the God's truth, you can't tell them differant, there have been books written on how this fraud works and the average person is so hooked on it they spend their lives believing they have some special power. I persoanlly run into plenty of them and all to date have been fakes.
Lets say Dr. Clark has that tuned in ear and she can estimate how many trillions of 1 of the 70,000 plus chemicals you have accumulated, what good is it, she sees all chemicals as the enemy and seeks to use sterilization and any fool KNOWS DR. CLARK'S WHOLE VERSION IS 100% FAKE because she uses drugs (vitamin chemicals) as treatment, her own method pollutes the body far more than it was to begin with.
The facts are this, we are what we breathe! There for we are every chemical known in combination, therefore the syncrometer is 100% worthless in every manner of thought. My theory of why 99.999% can not master the syncrometer? Because the 99.999% are honest and can't accept it.
My good friend that retired from Nasa as a senior top engineer that put the rover on Mars and spend 2 more years at ITT because they needed help with satelites and subs (the $$ offer was too good to turn down)took a direct class from Dr. Clark, he is the star on my video oft eh whole $700 per student class and this well rounded educated man that had his children educated in the richest colleges in the world, stated then and 7 years later that the syncrometer is 100% fake, Clark made about $15,000 for that 1 afternoon class and not one student left any smarter than when they entered, why did they pay $700.00??????????????????????????
Because Clark used the word CURE on her book, that word has made billions for people and why the FDA seeks out to stop anyone from using it for $$$$ gain and why Hulda and Geoff Clark were stopped from selling the zapper and syncrometer and they made their $$$ from having dr.clark.com sell them to the world, they thought they were protected in Switzerland and discovered the federal court in Cleveland, Oh had power over them and they were ordered to return up to $2,000,00 of the customer's money, yet they still survive, they are still taking million's of the people's money today.
dr.clark.com is not worried about your health, they are worried about how much $$$ your willing to spend. I use to make herbal products for them and deal with them, I know them and it didn't last. We still sale the kidney cleanse to the USA owner, but she and David would not dare have the kidney cleanse in liquid or the dewormer in combination, WHY???? It is all about $$$$ they can make more in having the customer buy many products. When I made products for them, they use to pass off their rejects to us all the time, the ones that purchased all their products and only became sicker and they would give our number and the person would then call us and I NEVER had one of these dieing people tell me that popping all those vitamins and using the zapper every day every made them well, most were dieing and it only added to their acid body.
The science behind using frequencies to identify chemials or creatures within us may be possibe, but it is still worthless to the average ill person, this science is for the one in research and all of Dr. Clark's research took her down the path to creating an acid sterilized body that causes premature death via cancer, etc.
An ill person can not benefit by using vitamin C, hydrochloric acid, the snycromter and any of the many chemicals Geoff Clark puts in capsules and calls vitamins.
The thermometer is even worthless, it cures NOTHING, only the pH test paper gives a clue to the health (balance) of the human body. The pH paper is not needed, because we know the ill person has too much acid, so all testing is worthless, just as BOOK I states by the best MD in American history.