Earlier today, a friend sent me a link to an article slamming ingested iodine at the Healthwyze website.
The title of the article was "The Dark Side of the Alternative Health Movement: Promoting Ingested Iodine" and it was written by a Sarah Cain, who identifies herself as a "H.W. Researcher".
While reading the article and comments, I noticed that the manager of the site took a shot at "CureZone experts". I also noticed that they had an ad for Utopia Silver with the comments to tell Ben (that would be my lifelong friend Ben Taylor who owns Utopia Silver) they sent you if you buy the colloidal silver. They also had a link to the Minnesota Wellness Directory, which is run by another friend of mine, David Bonelo.
Soooo, I posted the following comment:
So, I suppose that if anyone here should order the oral iodine carried by Utopia Silver they should not tell my good friend Ben that you sent them? Likewise, I suppose that when we navigate to your recommended Minnesota Wellness site run by another good friend, David Bonelo, we should avoid his advice on iodine as well as his article on how to make your own iodine at home? Just so you know, at least two true Naturopathic PhD's as well as mainstream doctors turned naturopathic who consult with Ben on his supplement line have recommended oral iodine. Oh yeah, and this "CureZone expert" too.
I was actually a bit surprised at first that they even published the comment, given the fact that the person who first brought my attention to the article said that they had deleted three of her comments because she dared disagree. Then I saw this lovely reply from Sarah Cain:
Tony, we have only tolerated your tirades and quackery due to your friendship with Ben. Tolerating it was a means of showing him respect. However, when you start boasting of the ways that you've hurt people and take a dump on our front porch, then the tolerance ends. Several times Ben suggested that we use you as a partner or author, but we had to decline, because your history shows that you lack all credibility and the most fundamental research skills.
Your recent Komen expose got the attention of the real media, but your facts were as shaky as usual, and you were impossible to track down like the shady character that you are. You may notice that we don't hide in the shadows.
Your attempts to cause discord amongst good friends, hurt people, and finally to sully Health Wyze has ended. Consider yourself banned.
We learned a long time ago that doing the right thing was going to lose us lots of friends. Of course, you were never a friend, but we tolerated you for Ben's benefit. If Ben reads this, I hope he notices how you exploit his friendship in your attempts to manipulate us, and thereby he will finally see you for the immoral garbage that you are.
If Ben wants to sell flypaper to catch cats, then that's his business. We can gauge the good from the bad, just as our readers can, which by the way are significantly more intelligent than your readers. In other words, we didn't take your bait.
You're done here.
Can you believe that? Holy cow! My reply, which I really doubt will be published but will at least be read by "Researcher" Cain:
Why don't you ask Ben Taylor what he thinks of the classless and baseless post you just made? Are you aware that Ben and I have been close friends for more than twice the number of years you have even been born?
Is disagreement not tolerated here? If so, lots of good you are going to do singing only to the choir. But then you aren't singing so much as spouting vile garbage.
My tirades and quackery? I challenge you to produce any tirades and quackery which I have ever posted here - in fact I am not aware of posting here more than once or twice ever - obviously a good decision based on your reaction and the rest of the posts I see in this thread.
And you are able to make such character judgments and pronouncements based on what - your extensive research you have conducted during your 19 or 20 years of age? Clearly, your lack of maturity and judgment are on display for one and all.
I am banned here? Given your actions why would I ever want to waste any further time here?
Ben does not advertise there. They signed up as an affiliate and they posted the Utopia Silver ad.
Ben did say that they actually have some good info there on other topics, including a very good cancer video. He's shocked at their response.
As pointed out in my post above, the "researcher" who slammed me is all of 19 or 20 years old. It shows.
I posted a comment beneath hers which I did not expect to be approved and it wasn't. But then she edits her post accusing Tony of posting under an assumed name pretending to be one of his supporters.
So.......... I slammed her. I told her that I didn't expect my last post to be approved. Therefore, I knew this one wouldn't be approved either so take this as a personal message............ And for those of you that may be shocked, I do have a limit.
This big headed teeny bopper is as ignorant as they come.
Just saying..........
I am not so sure I would call her behavior "typical female" so much as typical coddled adolescent brat.
I can understand moderating to prevent spam, personal attacks and such and even to limit debate - but not set yourself up as the supreme authority and exclude all information to the contrary. Insofar a limiting personal attacks, that certainly does not apply to their own posts, does it?
I am not so sure I would call her behavior "typical female" so much as typical coddled adolescent brat.
I've met some females that behave that way is all, it's not typical of most.
I can understand moderating to prevent spam, personal attacks and such and even to limit debate - but not set yourself up as the supreme authority and exclude all information to the contrary. Insofar a limiting personal attacks, that certainly does not apply to their own posts, does it?
I went back and read some of her responses to others in the past and it was an eye opener. She's an exclusionist, supposed christian, with an ego that she herself has become oblivious to. If you're say a christian, or call yourself one, then if you don't fall in line with "her" thinking, you are not a christian, you will be bashed for your beliefs, and banned. Talking to her is like asking for a beating. The more you feed her, the more you're beaten once it's started. Relentless.
edit: Unprofessional too.
As best I can tell it is a father-daughter combo. I am not sure what, if any, credentials the father may have but I seriously doubt that the daughter has much on her resume', given that she is only 19 or 20 years old.