i've posted on here some, i thought i had hookworm cutaneous larva migrans, but now my doctor is pretty sure that i have leishmaniasis, that i somehow contracted from my exhusband who is from lahore, pakistan. she says there are not any competent, accurate parasitologists in alabama, where i live. i am waiting for an appointment with a dermatologist she wants me to go to. i have been having really bad pain on my left side, at the bottom part of the rib cage. the skin is sore to touch and the area feels like i have been kicked in the ribs, though i have had no injury. it also feels like a lump or something in there if i rub the area just the right way. my skin sores i am not as worried about. i am worried that i may be developing the visceral form. it is suppossed to be a systematic form of the disease that can damage the speen, as well as other organs. my eyes whites look yellowish to me and get bloodshot and crust over every morning. i sometimes feel like i am not breathing well, and fatigue, hair loss, all other symptoms i have as well. not knowing is worrying me to death. does anyone know if the pain i am experiencing could be from the spleen? i have read that pain is usually in the left shoulder, and i have had problems with that shoulder for years, the worst i couldn't lift my arm over my head. but this is my side, at the edge of my ribcage. other problems i am experiencing is pain in my throat and ears occasionally. do i need to go to the emergency room? i don't know what the pain is, and i don't want a ruptured spleen. please if anybody can help it would be appreciated.