...Oh, I'd like to have you to tea, with many of those who peek in here to fortify the curious.
We could have SUCH a chin-wag about how many ways there are to be well, and how to help each other.
You could all laugh at me when I show how I put out my hands to project energy around the earth while I turn in a circle (so I miss no one)...that every living thing on this planet finds the exact solutions they need...now.
(Laughter is a wonderful energy, in itself.)
Dear reader, even if this is your first time here, the eyes of many fine people are looking for you...to support you...have been where you are going on your learning path.
I don't know your way, except that you will find it, in your own best time. That you are so not alone. That you can rely on yourself, your own source of energy, and that R.G. and his daughter, Dr. Bailey, have told you true.
Read their previous posts, my friends...their gifts to you.
My best,