This is a good chart that describes how acid or alkaline foods are. This could explain my vegan success story and allow for the addition of the meats in the future provided that the diet has food like dandelion greens. For me this charts my reactive foods with candida, I just eliminate the fats too. I juiced dandelion green stalks and cilantro(for heavy metal removal) 2 days ago and noticed evacuating yeast...The acid side shows vinegar and coffee, 2 foods that I could not figure out why they would make me flare up...This seems like a candida cure chart for me because I could load up on potatoes and grapefruit and feel great, but bananas and oats would come out completely undigested...carbs and
Sugar aren't the only issue.
In my earlier post that brown rice is better than beef, on here its 1/3 as acidic as beef so that is confirmed. I choose to avoid it now and focus on quinoa and millet.
The vegans in my youtube vid posts obviously alkalized themselves with all the greens and then could handle their fruit smoothies. This gives hope for a normal diet that adds small amount of a bunch of normal foods, provided that there's a heavy intake of the alkaline foods. This is good news for users like me, Rhema, and SillyLilly that are aiming for weight gain. We have another dimension of food selection that gives more relief.
Further proof here...Kale is a great alkalizer.
Kale Juice
I was in the health food store talking to the owner about Candida, a woman over heard me and came up and said.. I had Candida, would you like to know how I cured it? Of course, I said I certainly did. She told me she made kale juice and drank it every day for 2 weeks. She said no matter where she went she took her kale juice. I am not sure if she was on a special diet but I decided since I am on a special diet, the kale juice can only help.