I need to identify what is in my jaw, i feel like im going to go crazy. The pain hasn't dropped at all, if anything it's gone up. This has been going on for 6 days now. Seems long, any herx's ive had only lasted a few days if that.
Started just at the left joint area of my jaw, migrating to the front teeth. Now it's moved to the top and will randomly change. Makes me believe im not hitting the correct pathogen. Seems like its something thats bitting on roots of my teeth and the bone and can move freely to wherever it wants.
What else could give me pain like this that changes spots randomly? It feels like someone has a chisel and a set of pliers and is going to work on my jaw bone from the inside out. A throbbing infection, should i go see a doctor and bite the bullet and take some
Antibiotics ? Im honestly unsure what to do at this point. Seems crazy to just bare this pain any longer and i can't keep popping 8 motrin a day.
I appreciate ANY advice