I watched the video. Unfortunately, the video only tells half the story. It leaves one to believe that a corrupt group of powerful government, military and corporate types are behind the exploits of war. While this is true, we also have the "other" powerful government, military and corporate types that exploit citizens of the USA and of the world. [Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.]
In America, we have two government powers now: liberalism and conservatism. Both are as corrupt as the other. The video would like you to believe that conservatists are the culprits. Untrue. Each have their agenda to destroy a country for their own greed. Both have the hands in the pockets of large corporation (i.e., banking, military, biochemical, agriculture, pharmaceutical, etc.).
We are on a course of socialism/communism here in the states, and half the country is in support of this change - to their own detriment.
The USA has raised the standard of living for the entire world. The world should rise up and stop such corruption here in the states. We cannot (and eventually will not be able to) continue to support the world - both good and bad. Fight for the Republic - the United States of America. When we are gone, the world will decimate itself. Religious freedom, individual freedom, land ownership, contract law is what started this nation. Most of this ideology is gone in the states. The Brits and the Ausies are well beyond the States in their loss of freedoms. Wake up world, we are the last bastion of hope.
Do your homework. The UN, WHO, IMF, International Banking is not your friend.
Of course, this is only my opinion.