Uny was answering me and I was being facetious when I said, "good for him."
Isn't it amazing, that S*m Bi*er, a man with NO clinical experience (no experience whatsoever), yet one of G*d's pets, would be able to know where Dr. Christopher and
Dr. Schulze have been wrong, and thus S*m can correct their work and sell it to you at ever increasing prices?
Yes. I've read Uny's post before and I'm aware of Sam Bi*er and his past behavior. To wit: S*m believes that it's just fine and dandy if people sicken and die if they don't have the money to buy his "product" or if they maybe don't even ever hear of "his" Schulze material because S*m has taken it out of print for whatever reason.
In fact, I know that S*m scans the 'Net for his name, trying to locate people infringing upon his "intellectual propety rights."
Sam Bi*er :-)
Here ya go, S*m!
Those with DISCERNMENT (including, we may hope, Mr. Bi*er himself), should well understand why I have spelled his name like this: S*m. :-)))
Hey S*m Bi*er! If you were real business man, you would understand the difference between not GETTING money that you'd never have gotten anyhow, and actually losing something of value that you already have. You have lost nothing, idi*t!
And if you think you are so smart, perhaps you are good with anagrams?