I have a very bad upper back/neck pain (right side) that specifically reacts in muscle pain and tensing, whenever I take herbs, colloidal silver, etc. -anything that seems to be antifungal.
This has been going on for about a year.. and may be causing the recent curve in my spine.
I finally decided to stick through this pain and take colloidal silver (a trusted brand) several times for a few days now, to see if the pain eventually lessens, thus suggesting it may be bacterial...
Obviously silver isn't going to differentiate between fungal and bacterial cells, so I'm dealing with extra side effects.
If the muscle pain from that specific area only, isn't a localized bacteria/ lyme/ etc.. I would then only imagine it's scoliosis due to nutritional deficiencies via candida and bacterial imbalance. And then the curve would be causing the muscle pain... But why only react with herbs, etc?
What would u think If one specific muscle area (in my case right side:upper back/neck area) were constantly activated (or in pain) after taking herbs, silver, and the like?
[oddly when I eat something like carbs or sugar.. that area, even after I've taken herbs, seems to calm down- I dont know if this points more toward fungal arthritis?]
Lastly, With the mess of digestive symptoms, chronic issues like fatigue, and a curving spine that I have, would colloidal silver treatment damage more than the already badly imbalanced digestive flora? (..along the lines of antibiotics?)