continuing on the archon theme, came across an interesting discussion of the so called Anunnaki/nephilim... can't say I agree with everyhing this guy writes, but he seems to have a valid point concerning what the Anunnaki really were... not giants, but "fallen ones":
"Bible scholars and students this one is for you. Defining the Nephilim is critical to understanding our future according to Bible prophecy. Early Biblical scholars erroneously translated the word Nephilim to mean “giants.” It was later correctly translated to mean the “Fallen Ones”.
Jude 1:6
And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
This Scripture clearly and unequivocally states the Fallen Ones descended to Earth. Is there any archeological evidence stating beings who descended from space? The answer is yes. The Sumerian civilization had a name for them and it was the Anunnaki. The translation for Anunnaki means “those who descended from above” or “those who were cast down”. This means there is a direct link between Scripture and this particular civilization."
I fought the idea of Fallen for a long time. Mostly because I threw the baby out with the bathwater after a not so pleasant experience with the Catholic Church. It seemed like a bunch of hogwash to me but after having my own experience with, how shall I put it, (entities/demons/Archons) I have moved passed belief and now I KNOW for sure, its absolutely true.
it seems to me that the goal of most organized religions is to make God abstract and distant... and to disguise the real nature of the threat faced by humanity (despite that various parts of the bible still, even after edits, removals, changes etc, still contain the story of the war in the "heavens" and the implications for mankind. so it becomes about dry dead dogma, instead of fluid living spirituality... no doubt this is an effective way to turn many otherwise intelligent spiritual people away from giving much thought about these subjects... mission accomplished.
yeah, it keeps one looking outside especially if the spark/kingdom is within us then we are looking in the wrong place for our salvation, disempowering us IMO.
Have you ever looked at an enlarged photo of a dwarf hook worm's head? (strongyloids are ubiquitous to the human race)
Or a tapeworm scolex? They look like demonic "space" aliens….
People who write reptilian science fiction are the most heavily infested among us.
Look what is happening to Icke's hands. They are turning into flippers from "arthritis"…
Disease is caused by disease causing entitites.
When they get old and die off you have visions of them in your dream state via lucid dreams and it is like being abducted.
The "lizzies" are parasitic entities that thrive on shit.
Our bodies are the ecosytems in which they thrive.
There are also symbiotic creatures living in us.
Candida is one such symbiote that is demonized and threatened, but without it people would be dead, because it cleans up dead parasite shit and rotting debris.
There is war going on inside the human body, and the parasites control the hosts.
They signal to each other and cause people to get together so they can move from one host to another.
Did you see the movie about the demon moving from people to a cat? And then back to people?
There are parasites in cat shit that get in people and make them more promiscuous.
The life cycle of the parasite is from rats to cats. But once people domesticated cats, they started getting it.
The parasite makes rats oblivious to the presence of cats. This makes it easy for the cats to catch the rats and eat them.
That continues the life cycle of the parasite.
When human beings catch it from playing in a sand box where a cat pooped.
Or changing kitty litter.
Females become very sexually promiscuous.
Males become less risk averse when it comes to crime.
All so the parasite could spread more easily.
The demonic space aliens are in the human belly.
When I took bloodroot I had visions of these things dying.
I quadruple double hyena dare you to take some and see what happens.
If you don't have anything it kills, the stuff will go through you like a spice.
If you have what it kills, you will realize the enemy is within, not without.
Human beings cannot catch anything that is not already in the dna…
People couldn't get parasites unless the imprint was already there
The giant demons were too big to survive the frequencies.
So they shrunk themselves by procreating with smaller beings
and moved into the human eco-system for the purification and continuation of their own dna.
We are infected with them because we ARE them. We are them by virtue of the insemination.
Hey, my hypothesis is as good as anybody else's!
Fritz Springmeier once said (paraphrasing ) "thousands of years ago during ancient times fallen angels - nephilim - were cast down from heaven to earth ..... isn't it about time we gave them residency status ? " when he was asked about whether he believed in aliens.
What difference does it make how big they were. Angels are generally bigger than humans/ Regardless, they bred with humans.
Not alien to earth.Nothing to do with Seth:
Who were the Nephilim?
Though many argue over their identity, Scripture is not as vague as that would lead you to believe. This word is first found in Genesis 6:4 and twice in Numbers 13:33. The word “Nephilim” means "fallen ones" or "overthrown ones." It is used in reference to fallen angels (some argue they are the righteous line of Seth that fell.)
A quick look at the biblical accounts makes it clear that the intention is for the reader to understand them to be fallen angels. Genesis 6 teaches us that the Nephilim were a product of sexua| relations between the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men." Numbers 13 teaches us that these Nephilim were giants. If we are to argue that these are the outcome of a union between Seth's line and Cain's line, three problems arise.
First, "sons of God" is a phrase used only of angels until after Christ's death wherein believers are adopted and become sons of God. Adam, in Luke, is referred to as the son of God. This indicates that “sons of God” refers to those beings who are a direct creation of God, as opposed to those who are created through a physical birth. Second, it is a matter of historical record that the ancients understood this to refer to angels. Third, why would the product of a righteous man and an unrighteous woman result in a giant child? Why, then, wouldn't the product of a righteous man and a righteous woman result in an even greater child?
Most object to the angel view not because of Scripture but because of their own natural aversion to what the text naturally says. Two facts support this, though. First, Scripture is clear that angels can take on human appearance and flesh (Gen. 18-19:1, Heb. 13:2). Second, mankind itself breaks God's laws on the limits or boundaries of a species, so it is not unthinkable that angels (whom we know did rebel against God) could do so as well.
"Have you ever looked at an enlarged photo of a dwarf hook worm's head? (strongyloids are ubiquitous to the human race)"
Your theory, I couldn't agree with you more, I've thought the same thing for quite a while! The dinosaurs and everything else that could, figured out "how to" and DID.
So if I have stronglys I'm "more" of this Earth ? L0L
This is what comes to mind....Forgive me, I tend to relate most everything to music to help myself and others understand on a different "level"? Maybe a memory "helper"