Is there any technique to lower testosterone if its to high in men?
Very high levels of licorice could do it. But you would also have to increase potassium intake to counter problems such as high blood pressure.
I read on another forum yeast can create estrogen and raise estrogen - how does this happen?
I have never seen any evidence of this. I think they are confusing phytoestrogens with estrogens. Phytoestrogens are found in all plants we consume as foods as well as fungi like yeasts. But they do not raise estrogen.
Ithink you said its armotase that converts testosterone to estrgen -
Yes, aromatase converts testosterone in to estrogen.
what causes high armotase and high armotase activity?
Elevated cortisol, exposure to strong xenoestrogens such as bisphenol A, thyrotoxicosis, obesity, various tumors, genetics, some medications.....
Can it be tested for?
I don't know of any common lab tests off hand for aromatase levels. I think they primarily go by levels of various hormones and symptoms.
Can supps lower it?
Not sure what you are referring to here since earlier you were asking about lowering testosterone and now it sounds like lowering aromatase.
If you are referring to lowering testosterone this is going to be more difficult.
If you are referring to aromatase then there are a number of things that will work such as nettle root, various flavonoids and various mushrooms.