By Vince Giuliano
To take care of your own health you have to take care of about a hundred trillion other living entities. Each of us is in close relationship with that many micro-organisms belonging to hundreds of different species that live in our intestines. Our own health and longevity is closely tied up to the balance among these species and their vitality. Recent research indicates that signals sent out by colon microbiota directly affect our immune systems, states of health, and can either avert or lead to and promote disease conditions. It is thought that new and effective therapies for many disease conditions might be based on working with gut microbiota. And new research shows that promoting an optimal balance of gut microbiota species in mice can extend their lifespans. Probiotics and prebiotics could be life-saving and life-prolonging.
There is strong and widespread current interest in gut microbiota and I have found thousands of relevant research publications related to gut microbiota. My purpose here it to introduce the topic in this blog, to establish its relevance, and to identify some recent key research findings.
Aging of a human happens in a meta-organism consisting not only of that person’s body and cells but also of the 100 trillion organisms that exist in that persons gut.
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