Dear Columbian and SD,
Encouragement and energy.
My problem hasn't been the same as yours, but I do know the fear of taking responsibility for one's own well-being.
The basics are very important for everyone in the family.
Clean water, no processed food, restful sleep, laughter...even just as an exercise, when there is nothing funny going on.
'Bless' your hand clockwise over your food, water, etc., thinking of the universe/infinity.
Practice EFT on everything...possibly using the video at
(It vanquished a toothache for me, right away, two days running...then it was gone permanently.)
I recently dropped wheat, milk, and fructose with instant, same day results.
And I began the home-made Humaworm In-between formula, with a noticeable next-day improvement where I hadn't really expected one.
Balance your minerals, in and out, through your skin...with a 1% solution footbath, handbath, or full bath of Himalayan Crystal Mineral Salts...make sole (so-lay) by soaking lots of the salts in a jar of clean water overnight, and put one measure of that water into your footbath container with 26 measures of clean, warm water. Soak 20 to 30 minutes.
The full bath takes one kg. of the finest grind salts to the average bathtub of warm water. (Fine-grind so that you don't have to wait overnight...a bucket overnight might work. I prefer the footbath.)
You don't feel much different after the bath, except that fear has vanished.
I also like White Tiger's
Liver Flush Tea. Search for it in the
Liver Flush Forum . It didn't work every time, but when it did it was a wonder. Sit down if the stones hurt some. Mine worked when I was washing dishes...I think it was from the arm movements.
I, too, was ridiculed by people who should know better. I kept thinking that I have lived in here for more than seventy years...and I should know a few things about me.
Then I remembered the TV program called "The Rescue Mediums" on the OWN channel now, I think.
They are two cheerful British ladies who see wandering spirits into the 'light'. This process always makes them smile, and even laugh.
I have had two spirits in an older house, instantly sent towards the 'light', and it worked, easily.
The peacefulness and joy is wonderful. So I decided that, if that is where I am going, it is not the least bit fact, I look forward to the experience, when the time comes.
I remember an elderly man who told me that he had a 'near death' experience when he was nine. Tears came to his eyes as he remembered the wonderful singing he heard. He told me that he wanted all his life to go back.
So, I am not afraid...nor do the jeers of foolish people bother me. I think of the joy they will experience some day.
I'd like to add that poultices over organs that need assistance sounds very good to me.
And coffee enemas.
My best,