So you think women should vote for a republican
Twiki, you really need to get that lack of reading comprehension for the written word fixed. No where did the article say you had to, or should vote for a republican. You could vote for a libertarian, or anybody else that comes to mind. Or not, you and all the rest of the women can just not vote at all which would have the same effect of saving your a$$ from not having to walk two steps behind the camel dodging camel dung when you went somewhere with your husband.
More importantly, while not guaranteed not to get raped, if you did and knew your attacker you wouldn't need 3 other witnesses to have him arrested. In addition according to what I have read, if you were raped your family would still be considered disgraced, and under Sharia law even though the rape wasn't your fault, you could be stoned to death, or killed in some other way so the family could get out from under that disgrace.
Considering that the federal and state law haven't said you had to do any of those things you mentioned, you again have tried to pass another brain fart. They have said that a baby in the womb is a legitimate human being, and like all other humans they can't be murdered.
I posted an article.
You posted your opinion.
Let the women in America decide for themselves. They will have to live with Sharia law if it continues to go mainstream. Their vote could be their undoing.
Already in conflict with the law of the land regarding their rights as citizens makes me wonder why you would want other women to have less rights than a man,.....unless you are a man posing as a woman.
Makes you wonder why people would move here, and bring there own laws to live by rather than just staying where they were at unless they want to take over.