WY you asked about bottled juices before and my response is still the same. Flash pasteurization is just marketing hype. The "flash" part is more about their production to crank out the juice faster than it is about anything to do with not destroying enzymes. If the temp goes above 110 deg "Flash" there go the enzymes. Then one gets into how long the nutrients remain viable after storage even if refrigerated. That juice you bought today can be months old!!. In addition any bottled carrot juice will have to have some preservatives to keep it from spoiling and turning brown. Ever try and save fresh carrot juice at home?. Bottom line is that fasting on bottled juices and particularly carrot which contains a lot of sugar you'll be fasting on sugar water. Don't kid yourself. You could possibly be doing more harm than good by using bottled carrot juice aaaaand FYI Odwalla is owned by Coca Cola if that gives you anykinda hint.................The best and most healing juices to fast with even if you were doing them fresh at home would be green juices. Even fresh made carrot juice still has a lot of sugar. Regardless of what juice one uses 1qt a day in not enough fluids to keep the system flushing out any toxins released so you should be drinking an additional qt or 2 of water. Eliminations is also of supreme importance when fasting to keep released toxins moving out of the system. Hardcore folks say daily enemas. Personally I don't resonate with that and have always done my fasts including a fairly recent 108 day juice "feast" doing the salt water flushes in addition to an herbal laxative tea before bed.