I've done 3 weekend absolute fasts this year, after a break of about 3 months at the end of last year.
On my last fast a couple of weekends ago, I felt like my body has finally turned a corner.
I've been absolute fasting for apx 9 months regularly, but only now do I feel like my health has turned a corner.
About 5 years ago I drank an insane amount of alcohol one weekend and passed out, after that I could tell there was something wrong with my body, I'd lost my core feeling of health and wellbeing. I thought I must have damaged my liver, but I realise now that it was probably my lungs and brain and kidneys that had taken a real hit.
On my second fast this year I noticed some healing pains in my right lung ( I gave up smoking 7 years ago).
On my third fast I noticed lots of healing on my head and probably my lungs (can't remember much now).
Since then I feel like my body has regained so much of its core health and strength, its like my respiratory system has been completely rejuvenated.
Its quite worrying realising now how knackered my body must have been, but it feels really good to have reversed a lot of that damage.
Things I feel have healed since I started absolute fasting, in order:
right kidney
tinnitus (noise induced)
hips (wear and tear)
elbow fracture
heel/ankle fractures (from wear and tear)
left kidney
lymph nodes
right lung
...and lots of other little things.
happy fasting :)