Is Pau d'Arco tea any more effective than the supplement form? If so, how would I know I'm getting as much medicine from the tea when it is not measured the way a supplement is? I am currently taking 3 - 545mg capsules of pau d'arco 3 x's daily. Would it be okay to take the supplements AND drink the tea or is that too much? I am a very small person (barely 100 lbs).
The reason I am asking this is because I've been taking the capsules daily for about 6 weeks and it is really helping my rashes go away but it doesn't seem to be doing anything for my oral thrush. Why is that?
Also, how does pau d'arco work to eliminate candida? How does it travel through the system to fight infections? Does it work on contact (in which case tea may be better for my situation)?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!!
I have had a lot of success with both the tea and the capsules. Generally though I use the capsules or powder for most things except infections of the mouth and throat. There I prefer the tea so that it is more concentrated at the infection.
To make the tea though you need to physically boil the bark for 15-20 minutes with the lid on. Then turn off the heat and allow it to steep until cooled off.
A better choice for thrush would be using kefirs. Kefirs provide the live bacteria that produce acids that keep Candida under control. Candida overgrowth is caused from a lack of these bacteria, which creates an alkaline environment the Candida thrives in. The alkalinity not only turns on the Candida growth gene, but also converts Candida from its benign yeast form in to its pathogenic fungal form.