i kmow for a fact, every hospital has a practice of cutting your scalp, reaching in and removing part your brain and a nurse that did this jon 20 years ago, told me she was told it was worth more than gold and the same nurse warned me to never ever sign a card saying you donate, she said daily they kill people in her hospital that they have their drivers licence that gives them permission to harvest, because a dead body is not worth as much to them, so she said they harvest you alive, then once they have taken everything they can sell, then they kill you.......
usa today ran a full page artical stating that 3 labs in ca can never get enough dead people ad fight to buy your dead body and pay an average of over 300,000.00 per body with a premium paid for all dead children......dead? maybe the hospital tells the parents this, but if you agreee, then that body won't be seen until it has been harvested.
florida jails wanted to harvest death row prisoners and they leaked out that they could not kill these prisoners and needed to harvest them alive, which drew too much bad attention of the press.....and less volunters.
in china, american built hospitals harvest chinese teens by shotting them in the back of the head as they fall onto the operating table, this was shown live by 60 minutes news many years ago...........harvesting is real, selling of your body parts is real and if you are worth $300,000.00 dead, then i say some wealthy people are paying to eat you...why? because these same wealthy people went down in history as eating most all of the mummies on this earth with the belief the minerals would make them live longer.....and this is why museums today have so few mummies to display...
so if they will eat a body that is thousands of years old...just think how much yur red / juicy body is worth!!!!
yup, worms eat you while alive and sick people eat you after your dead.....it happens...heck, for years they openely took cat and dogs killed by vets as a part of depopulation and all your top food manufacturers used these cats and dogs in their baking and listed the ingredient as "animal protien".....it was, they just neglected it was from your big city dog pounds....
so i will estimate every american has at one time ate cats and dogs that were killed with a poison as a way to eliminet their populations....
this is what really stupid scientist do, they are so mentally disturbed and so evil in the food industry and the food supplies have became a dumping grounds for poisons.
have you ever purchased human brain to eat? then yup, you are not rich enough, because millions of people's brains have been harvested for at least the past 20+ years if not the past 70+ years would be my guess and done so because it is worth more thna gold to someone.......in asia they eat their babies in soup, so why would these same types not want a piece of your brain if they believed it would make them live longer? they eat all sorts of reproductive organs, we even have mexicans eating the hearts of the people they have murdered with the belief it makes them more powerful, etc., etc.....no doubt people have been eating people for thousands of years...only the pope made it taboo and the pope is known to do such things so he and his buddies can corner the market.........and there points the direct to where all the evil stuff develops and is practiced....by world leaders that are "farming" humans for what" yup, a small piece of your brain and those that do the harvesting all drive bmw type cars and belong to the local masons and are in charge of the morgues, the hospitals and own the judges.....and since the world leaders make the $$$, paying $300,000.00 is truely "nothing" as it was made out of nothing.