Whats the link between thyroid (lack of thyroid / excess) and glucose control? I know lack of thyroid can lead to excess triglycerides - so Ia ssume theres some link. Can you explain the mechanics between thyroid, GTF, insulin rsistance, diabetes etc. And what if any issues with thyroid can affect glucose tolerance and triglyceride levels.
Thyroid hormones do play a role in glucose levels, but its effects are regulating. The thyroid helps insulin induced transport of glucose across cell membranes. But they also help to increase glucose production through gluconeogenesis and through the breakdown of glycogen.
On the other hand hypothyroidism can lead to increased fat production in some cases. This in turn could lead to insulin resistance, which can lead to elevated triglycerides from the elevated glucose.
Both hyper and hypothyroidism have been shown to be an issue for people who are already diabetic since the increased or decreased metabolism can affect the absorption or elimination of the drugs used to treat diabetes.