Uny and others:
For a person with Glaucoma. Optic Nerve damage and a bit of hearing loss besides eyebright formula which of the following formulas would you recommend? My friend would like to make tinctures and I am trying to help...
Eyebright (Dr. Christopher’s) a must
1 part Bayberry Bark
1 part Eyebright Herb
1 part Golden Seal Root
1 part Red Raspberry Leaves
1/8 part Cayenne Pepper
And which of the following
B&B (Dr. Christopher’s?? Considering the little bit of hearing loss? To be used as drops in the ears?
1 part blue cohosh
1 part black cohosh
1 part blue vervain
1 part scullcap
1 part lobelia
Nerve Regeneration Tincture: For healing optic nerve?
4 parts – Skullcap
4 parts - Oat Seed
2 parts - St. John's Wort Flowers ,
1 part -
Celery Seed,
1 part – Lavender flowers,
1 part - Coffee Bean,
1 part - Kola Nut,
and 1 part - Ephedra/Ma Huang (optional).
Brain Formula: For healing optic nerve?
1 part - Cayenne Pepper, the HOTTEST (i.e.- Habenero), that you can get!
3 parts - Ginkgo Biloba Leaf
1 part - Rosemary Flowers
1 part - Gotu Kola Herb
1 part - Calamus Root
1 part - Kola Nut
Dose Kola Nut has to be included?
I understand how to take eyebright (as drops and also as tea) but how would you take the rest of the formulas?
Do not want to order too many herbs but my friend wants very much to heal and whatever it takes my friend is prepared to try.
Thank you for your guidance.