Hi- unfortunately Dr Schulze no longer posts on here and I do not know the answer though I will be emailing you some suggestions and more info in a personal message to your inbox but you can make the superfood yourself and leave out the dulse or even the algae if they are high in iodine. It will not be exactly the same but better than nothing and worrying. You have several options you could do when you make your own superfood (see inbox)
I will send you a personal message on this
You could try asking this question on his blog but not sure he can answer by law specific medical questions like this as he must be careful due to his past arrests for healing people without a license.
go here and see where it says on the link ask a question (on the left hand side of the page)
also on the left click on search by disease and then thyroid..he doesn't say a lot but he does suggest ways to help balance the thyroid
I researched a goiter when I had that and found these two herbs can be of help
Do be aware of cautions when using them by researching
I made tinctures out of these two herbs blue flag iris and poke root for goiter which may be of help..you would have to reread what they said at the links below to blueboy and research online a little
They did have more info on these two herbs but revised their site..some info is found here
I looked up the herbs good for the thyroid in Linda Rectar page's book healthy healing and she listed these herbs
sea vegetables
Siberian ginseng
evening primrose
barley green
sarsaparilla root
licorice root
Be sure when taking herbs to use organic or wildcrafted and not conventional as they are 7-10 times higher in the healing phytochemicals and tinctures not capsules as tinctures are far far better absorbed generally.
I will give you additional ideas and info on what he said about superfood in a personal message so please check your inbox by clicking on the word inbox in the top right of the page.