Sorry, I almost missed your message!
From what I gather, the guy at Utopia Silver was mostly being extra cautious and thinking that it might not be a good idea to throw too much at once on a person who might be elderly and frail. An initial liver flush, as well as periodic coffee enemas, is definitely a good idea in order to help the liver and bile ducts be able to process the toxic load that will result from a successful protocol. Since I did not see your message until now, it may be too late to add that there is no reason to not do both the liver flush and the oleander while still taking chemo - in fact, both may help eliminate the toxins as well as offset the normal chemo side effects.
I see no reason to take supplements for a week before beginning with anti-cancer items, though it might be a good idea to start off with small amounts of oleander and work the way up to larger amounts (begin with perhaps 1 or 1/2 capsule a day and slowly work up to a maximum of 8-10 capsules based on 150 pounds or more of weight, less accordingly for lower weights). After a few days of beginning the oleander, then one might add the inositol/IP6 and then the colloidal silver and other anti-cancer items.
Please keep me posted on how she is doing via email ( so that I will be sure to get your messages and be able to respond sooner. You also might consider joining the Yahoo Oleander Soup group, where there are plenty of knowledgeable people for support and advice.
If you are asking if it has been successful with the person in the original message, I do not know and cannot answer. If you are asking if oleander has been successful in general, the answer is a resounding YES! Dr. Ozel in Turkey (who devised the original patented oleander extract Anvirzel) has used it for over 40 years with thousands of patients and has reported an overall success rate of over 70% - which I find remarkable considering that he has used it either after conventional medicine has failed or else as an adjunct to conventional medicine and has pretty much used it as a sole item and not with all the other natural items normally recommended for an oleander-based protocol.
Naturopathic PhD Marc Swanepoel, who devised the Sutherlandia OPC oleander-based line of supplements, has loosely tracked thousands of users of his supplement line and reports that his best estimates over the past half-dozen or so years are that it has been successful about 85% of the time with Stage III and IV cancers and 95% of the time with stage I and II cancers. From what we can tell in our Yahoo Oleandersoup group of over 2600 members, those percentages look pretty accurate.
Provided that a person has more than a few scant weeks estimated survival and that their body and immune system have not been virtually destroyed by conventional chemo/radiation, a good overall anti-cancer protocol which has oleander as a centerpiece should be successful most of the time.