I enjoy White Tiger's Preferred
Liver Flush Tea.
Search this forum for "Eye of Tiger".
I drank it on several occasions before it suddenly "worked", in spades, and five or six large stones dropped out of my liver, each from a different spot.
I was washing dishes at the sink, and, when I was dancing around the kitchen, saying "Oo, Ee, Ah", I found that sitting down made the pain stop.
Slowly, over days, the stones seemed to move on, and vanish...except the last one, which seemed to get stuck.
Now I look forward to vanquishing it with a week of gentle coffee enemas, two on the first day.
I have a sneaky suspicion that one's liver won't let you do anything too risky...or maybe I am just very timid.
My first passing gallstone came spontaneously, after sleeping with my head nodding on a 3 1/2 hour, slightly bumpy, car ride. That's what first interested me in the whole subject. The stone was large, and passed very easily, which you will read about if you 'search' "Eye of Tiger".
I have concluded that the bowels work on bile, and that bile releases when stones are flushed.
Apparently, other things are released when one does a coffee enema, like glutathione. The liver likes that.
Good luck.