I would just stick to a no sugar/junk diet until after your baby is born. I would not recommend fighting it when you're pregnant. Candida binds mercury, so when you kill it, it releases the methyl-mercury into your system and mercury does cross the placental lining. You don't want any more mercury circulating in your body! Forget the candida for now - just relax and enjoy the miracle of motherhood. :-)
If I knew then what I know now (would be nice, right?), I would have treated my daughter for candida from day 1. Babies are born with YOUR gut flora as they pass through the birth canal (and also in breast milk), but are easily treatable because the bad flora has not had time to set up shop and dig in for 20 years like the rest of us.
See Dr Natasha Campbell and the GAPS diet (youtube search). I've heard of making home-made coconut kefir and kraut and rubbing a little bit of the juice in their mouth a few times a day to get some good bacteria in their system. My daughter had aweful colic, and I now know that is the first sign of gut dysbiosis. The bloating and gas were caused by the candida, where good bacteria will help them digest the milk. As soon as they can eat, start giving them the young coconut kefir. My brother feeds his kid the coconut kefir blended with avocado as his first food and he loves it.