What is the zapper method for cancer?
It is simply the use of a small electrical signal applied to the skin in certain specific ways that appears, at least in some cases to destroy cancer cells as well as possibly some microbes and other organisms. From all evidence so far presented, there is very little risk if instructions are followed and you can even make your own zapper with a little effort. A home made unit, while not as good as commercial units, can have noticeable effects. As a matter of point, even tapping your fingers on the terminals of a 9 voly battery can have some positive benefits. Be sure to read the zapper instructions carefully before proceeding!
So if these devices work, why don't doctors use them??
The truth comes down to profits for the pharmaceutical industry and for the medical profession. Neither zappers nor most other common similar electro-therapy devices can be patented because the use of electricity and frequencies for healing has existed for over 250 years. There may still be some room for some specific frequencies or specific combinations, but even these will be hard to prove. If you can not patent a product or method, then you can not obtain the finances needed to have the necessary scientific studies done and the end result is that the product becomes suppressed. Additionally, the pharmaceutical companies are at risk of loosing their profits and funding, so naturally, they would use any means at their disposal to keep such products off of the market. In the final analysis, at least for the medical industry, it comes down to a choice of, Do we receive $10,000.00 for a treatment or $50.00 for a treatment?
The first thing that those who make a profit from these decisions, AMA, ACS, etc., will point out is that electro-therapy is unproven. The very reason that we have given billions of dollars to groups such as the American Cancer Society is so that they can test and evaluate the effectiveness of things that would not be profitable and that have a chance of working. Instead, the ACS funnels your money into very profitable drug companies and fattening the wallets of academic researchers that are producing wasteful projects. The ACS will spend a lot of money, time, and effort denying the validity of things such as curcumin, cinnamon, Rife, zappers, etc., but they will not spend one dime researching them, unless maybe if it is a study designed to fail.