Hi Chris :).
You know (i hope) that i value your input greatly and consider you the foremost expert in this forum, so anything i say to follow is with the utmost respect, but i just want to get my own position out in the open. First i want to say that we agree completely that water-only fasting will reduce the metabolic rate... but i want to add that in spite of this, the weight loss/fat loss results remain quite impressive or maybe staggering is a more fitting description.
The metabolism will slow, yes, but in slowing 25-40% over a long fast (as Dr. Shelton states) that still leaves a 60-75% metabolism with zero calories coming in... so if for example somebody (a fairly large somebody maybe at 200 pounds) starts with a 3000 calorie bmr, at the very end of a long fast it will be 1800 to 2500 (again i emphasize with zero calories coming in and that this minimum metabolic rate is only seen at the very end of the fast where the metabolism leading to this is faster and only gradually approaches that basement number, a number that is said to gradually increase upon breaking the fast and be returned to normal after about 6 weeks.
Also i believe along with many Russian fasting experts that exercise such as 3 hours of brisk walking per day is an interesting option and this would be especially valuable in a fast where burning as much fat as possible was an important part of the goal. As well this level of exercise would also keep the metabolism from dipping so low.
Note please that i do not believe such an active fast is the most therapeutic fast, but that it would still be quite therapeutic and would maximize fat loss for those individuals where this is a primary concern. My first long fast of 30 days i brisk walked 2 hours per day and emerged with unspeakable benefits as well as a lot of extra fat burning. But where the healing of an illness (for example) is the primary concern, i believe (as i know you do) that a resting fast with minimal activity such as very short duration and very relaxed paced mini-trampolining to flush the lymphs will maximize the healing.
I actually believe fasting is so good a tool for weight loss in part because the partaker will be benefiting from so much of the absolutely inevitable cleansing and healing that will be taking place simultaneous to the substantial burning of fat... and as well is provided with a spectacular opportunity (especially with the right coaching) to emerge with exceedingly healthful habits. If a person decides upon and desires this healthful emergence while fasting, it is very likely to be this way and the fast will have helped greatly in shaping these new enduring values.
You said, "Excellent post as always though" and i say thank you for your many kindnesses!