I've hung out on the
Iodine forum for a long time and just recently have had an emergency, having gone to E.R. for rapid heart rate, that has brought me here. I am having gallbladder issues that I believe are brought on by AF. I've had very low progesterone for 15 years.
As far as EMF's I just told the doctor in E.R. and follow-up that I can not walk into a electronic store. My heart acts strange and I have to breath deeply. That I use to pass out when I was in front of the computer monitor so my husband researched and bought a better one and it stopped happening.
I turned on a
Cell Phone just as I left the hospital once and my heart palpatated and I nearly passed out. I was 6 months pregnant and my son was delivered stillborn a week later. I can so relate to this issue and plan to get a meter soon. Glad someone to find the info here.
One thing I have always tried to do is to make sure I have no electronic equipment in my bedroom or on the opposite wall of my bed. I just saw a drape type protector you can hang over your body when you sleep at night. Would be nice to get something like that too. HH