Hello Everyone - I am new here and wanted to share a miracle with the group. Although I have never been officially diagnosed with this horrible disease, I know for a fact that I have it. I first noticed it in 2001 after eating lots of a particular soy product. In addition to suffering from TMAU, I also have social anxiety that causes me to sweat and STINK up something terrible AND I have these nasty tonsil stones that form in the back of the my throat that smells like a sewage! I am ashamed to admit this, but I tried to commit suicide several years ago, after not being able to work and falling into a deep, deep depression. (I have had to quit almost every single job because of this). I stopped as the knife begin to hurt as I started cutting through my wrist and I thought of my poor mother and how my death would destroy her. I have prayed for death as these disorders have left me pretty much without a life. No one wants to get near me and people make fish jokes about me a work. I believe they have changed the ventilation at work because of me. It hurts so bad. I am a highly educated person and surprisingly married with 3 kids. Anyway, to spare you all of the details, because I know you all know what I am going through.
After reaching a point of no return a couple of months ago, I finally decided to give B2 a try. First, I tried to pinpoint when the fishy smell starts and I believe I have been able to narrow it down to around day 15 of my cycle and and a few days after my cycle ends AND when I eat foods known to have a high choline content. I immediately started taking B-2 Caps (100 mg) 5 capsules a day for about 12 days and the fishy smell completely went away. Not only that, I ate EGGS, CRABS, SHRIMP, BEEF, and YOGURT and NO fishy smell at long as I kept taking the B-2 and my urine was the yellowish/green color, no smell. If I slacked on the dosage and my urine went back to the normal color then the horrible smell returns, but within a few hours of increasing the dose back up to 5 capsules within a 24 hour period the smell would go away pretty fast. I am able to reduce the number of capsules to about 2 per day if I don't have a high choline diet. I am completely amazed and I feel like this is an answer from God (praise His holy name). I am making sure now to take a food based multiple vitamin AND a B complex supplement without choline in addition to the B2 vitamin. I will start taking extra B6 intermittently as I read that excess B2 can interfere with it.
I also want to add that I have severe digestive problems as a result of scar tissue from multiple abdominal surgeries and a small prolapse with my bowel. I was so constipated and the smell was even worse and my feet smelled because of the constipation. I decided to get a hydro-colonic done (open system only) and so much fecal matter came out from years of not being able to eliminate everything. That helped tremendously with the odor, so I recommend that also. I try to drink lots of water to keep stuff moving and I have now started using SebaMed. For years I kept using regular soap trying to make the odor go away and unknowingly, it made it worse - oh, this has been horrible...I just remembered.... at one time I was taking upwards of 4 - 6 showers a day to the point that I would scrub until blood would sometimes appear
. I would soak in tomato, what a miserably life this has been.
The next step for me is to get my tonsils out to stop the tonsil stones and try to get my mental health back in order - this is so hard. As you all know....stress makes it so much more worse.
I pray that God surrounds each and everyone of you with his Love, Mercy, and Grace to get through. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I have to help provide for my kids and if I was to do anything mother-in-law might end up having to help raise my kids....NO WAY will I ever let that happen.....