What's your thoughts on hexagonal oxygen water makers
and the water itself?
I have never paid much attention to these waters since what little I have seen appears to be mainly sales gimmicks.
For example, one manufacturer claims to have a structured water that is oxygen enriched. To start with though the water is primarily just a highly purified water, which I don't believe in drinking in the first place. Purified waters will absorb faster than mineralized waters simply by laws of osmosis that state water will move from a higher concentration of purity to a lower level of purity. The higher the purity of the water the faster this movement is. This does not mean it is safe or more beneficial though. Again these waters will absorb faster, but this merely puts more of a fluid load on the body that stresses the system more as it tries to deal with this influx of water that is diluting and throwing off the electrolyte balance. This is why you also urinate much more frequently with these waters.
As for oxygen enriched claim this is also very misleading. Oxygen saturation of water is dependent on two primary factors. One is pressure exerted on the water. In this case though we are referring to atmospheric pressure, which does not vary much in the regions most people live. So this is pretty much irrelevant. Second is water temperature. The colder water is the more oxygen it saturates with. The warmer the water the less oxygen it can hold. Therefore, how much oxygen is actually in the water is not really dependent on the amount of oxygen added, but rather the temperature of the water in the sealed bottle. The reason I emphasize "sealed" is because once the bottle is opened any undissolved oxygen will quickly escape. In addition, purified waters quickly absorb carbon dioxide and oxide gases from the air forming acids in the water further reducing oxygen saturation of the water. Even if these were not factors, the amount of oxygen they can get in to the water is negligible. You can get more oxygen in a single breath of air.