Hi Uny,
Do you have any experience with Wegener's granulomatosis?
Thanks in advance,
Thankfully, I have no personal experience with it, but I know what it is (and have pasted the common web definitions below for those who don't). There's no doubt in my mind that any of the fluoroquinolne antibiotics could cause it...and if the condition were present when starting the fluoroquinolones, the granulomatosis would worsen.
That they consider this (or anything else) as a need for immune suppression is a total crock. Depressing & suppressing the immune system ALWAYS leads to even worse conditions (particularly cancer). So 'of course', they totally ignore the fact that what is needed in these types of conditions (that they classify as 'auto-immune') is to MODULATE the immune system (which is what Echinacea does exceptionally, but is the one herb they highly recommend against) while removing all causes of inflammation that triggers the immune system to fight so excessively (which is free radicals, and they can be quenched and inflammation lessened & resolved by sleeping on an Earthing sheet).
Of course, this doesn't undo the damage that has been done to specific systems/organs while the condition was present & exacerbating, and if one/more organs are symptomatic (I'm thinking I recalling you mentioning her kidneys?), then it's imperative to begin cleansing and restoring the organ/s themselves and ensuring adequate blood/oxygen/nutrient flow to &through the organ/s. So a series of healing kidney cleanses would definitely be recommended. (Earthing also "thins the blood", hence increasing blood flow and lessening the burden on the heart). And with any type of condition that 'lessens blood flow' (no matter how the disease works to do so), we know the heart has been extremely overworked and is desperately in need of support. Hawthorn & cayenne several times daily are essential for supporting & healing the heart (as well as ensuring adequate blood/oxygen/nutrient flow).
EARTHING (!) is the one therapy that I'd give almost anything for everyone to understand and utilize every day for the rest of their lives. Yes, it does help 'ground out' all the poison/toxic frequencies which are so prevalent that cause SO many health issues, but that's just part of the benefit. We're also filled with health/body destroying free radicals, and because we're NOT in contact with the earth (and it's abundance of negative electrons that QUENCH free radicals), the free radicals cause all manner of health issues...and one of the hugest is "inflammation". After reading the "Earthing" book, I was desperate to try it out and experience the benefits (I've always had an ultra high resting pulse rate, and Rocky still deals with a bit of peripheral artery issues). After sleeping on the Earthing sheet for just 2 weeks, the internal inflammation was lowered (and our red blood cells were not as 'clumped'), my pulse dropped 20 points and his PAD was reduce by over 40%. Everyone in the book that was on heart, bp, or diabetic meds had to reduce the dosage after Earthing. And the benefits of less anxiety and sounder sleep are magnificent. I strongly recommend looking into it http://earthing.com/ and getting a bed pad or sheet (and if that's not affordable, at least get the Earthing bands and have her start using one nightly).
Let me know if you'd like further suggestions, input, or specific recommendations :)
When my mom's eye was irritated, we went to an optometrist and he found a mucus blob in her eye and took it out.
He said her eye would be better a couple of days.
I had asked him if she might have wegener's disease, but he said no, she doesn't have the symptoms.
We went back to him when the eye got worse a few days later and he prescribed toberdex.
Toberdex made her eye worse and when we went to an opthamologist, he found her eye had an ulcer.
I started using the colloidal silver on both eyes because they were both red and all the redness went away on the left eye and most of the redness on the right eye.
However, the right eye is still slightly red and I use the cs twice per day.
We went to another opthamologist and she wants blood work to see if she has a systemic autoimmune disease like wegeners.
My mom has some of the symptoms of wegener's but not to the extremes of blood in the urine or coughing up blood.
It makes sense that she has something like this because she still has a feeling of stuffed nose and blocked ears even tho there is not physical blockage.
She is very weak and has not been able to get any appetite or strength back like u do after an infection.
The prognosis for this disease is remission and/or death using prednisone and methotrexate.
Do u know of anything that would help for appetite, her eye healing and energy?
Also, do u know why antibiotics work ?
(Btw, I started this response the day you posted it and I've done it in 'segments'...so please pardon me if it the information doesn't "flow smoothly" :)
Also, do u know why antibiotics work ? Yes, I do know why they temporarily remove symptoms. Whenever there's any type of a clog or blockage, the terrain is perfect for an overgrowth of any/every type of pathogen...so antibiotics/silver will relieve/partially the symptoms of the overgrowth of pathogens. BUT, when we kill the natural microbiota without restoring the terrain, we leave the clogged/blocked terrain perfect for another overgrowth with no natural flora to combat and/or balance anything in the vicinity). I realize we disagree on the use of "silver" (and I'm not trying to be a smarty-pants, beat a dead horse, or start a conflict/debate), but I'd be amiss if I didn't share more info: The entire "cut & kill" mentality of allopathic medicine/science is "anti" healing in all regards (and alternative medicine is sadly saturated with this mentality). ANYTIME we kill any part of the natural microbiota throughout our body we cause stress & harm to our body - killing it in an area where the body is already struggling (or where there's an overgrowth of pathogens) is killing part of our body's natural defense system...so reaching for a bottle of "killer" at the first sign of infection is a long way from "First, physician do no harm".
When our body addresses & defeats a pathogen the result is natural immunity. When we kill the pathogen using antibiotics/silver (without allowing the body to correct the terrain), the body never has a chance to address the problems with the terrain or develop knowledge of how to identify/kill the pathogen. Hence, we create a terrain that causes infections that constantly return and tyically become worse with each recurrence. Pasteur admitted his Germ Theory was totally wrong on his deathbed: "The germ is nothing; the terrain is everything". If we need assistance with a deep-seated (or life threatening) pathogen, the healthy & effective answer is raw garlic + echinacea. Garlic IS selective (not killing beneficial microbiota AND providing inulin to help feed the healthful critters), but is also the most effective antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal (and antiparasite) in the natural kingdom. And Echinacea modulates a downregulated immune systems, allowing it to work effectively to identify and kill the pathogen...just be sure to take enough!
Quickie insert - there are those that believe garlic isn't 'selective' in what it kills, and that it kills/harms beneficial microbiota....and "science" argues & debates until they exhaust us. Look at kimchi - it's teeming with all kinds of beneficial intestinal microbiota and it's loaded with raw garlic. Garlic IS selective in what it kills and it does not kill the beneficial microbiota in kimchi (or in many lacto-fermented foods). YAY!
She is very weak and has not been able to get any appetite or strength back like u do after an infection. I don't remember exactly how hold your mom is, but if she's a typical senior citizen that hasn't done any organ/system cleansing & maintenance of the same, she's likely assimilating around 30% or less of the nutrition from the food she does ingest...and that's if she chews everything until it's liquid before swallowing. Every human on this planet needs to be ingesting at least a quart of fresh juice and several tablespoons of a quality/natural Superfood, just to give the body enough fuel to operate 'at baseline'...and that's not counting the extra work it has to do (and extra fule required) to constantly battle a never-ending barrage of poisons, EMFs and lack of oxygen (our atmosphere now has 12% oxygen in the cities and 18% in the country - in the 1970's our atmosphere had 30% oxygen). So add a compromised vascular system (compromised flow of blood = less oxygen/nutrients) to congested organs and extreme lack of vital fuel...then add infections and daily killing of beneficial microbiota and you come up with weakness and a lack of ability to recover. I suggest she has a minimum of 4 Tablespoons of Superfood daily (in our Apothecary the Superfood Original is vegans and those juice-fasting; the Superfood Special Blend is for those still eating meat & dairy. 14oz = 2T daily for one month marketplaceadvisor.channeladvisor.com/StoreFrontProfiles/deluxeSFshop.aspx). Here's a great blurb SuperFood by Dr. Schulze Also needed is raw acv and cayenne 3x daily (hopefully you read the great info I PMd you on cayenne and you've got her started on that already). Both of these things increase quality/quantity of stomach acid (something that declines with age, and without adequate amounts of stomach acid, the elderly assimilate even less...and have more issues with constipation). Dr. Christopher had everyone (no matter what their disease) on his Mucusless diet...and that includes 1T of ACV, 1T of blackstrap molasses and 1 teaspoon of cayenne before every meal (start with 1/8th teaspoon of cayenne powder -that's at least 100,000 HU and work up from there).
We went to another opthamologist and she wants blood work to see if she has a systemic autoimmune disease like wegeners....My mom has some of the symptoms of wegener's but not to the extremes of blood in the urine or coughing up blood....The prognosis for this disease is remission and/or death....It makes sense that she has something like this because she still has a feeling of stuffed nose and blocked ears even tho there is not physical blockage. The prognosis (the odds of the outcome) are correct...IF the patient is the 'average patient'. As long as someone is an 'average human' (with average habits, diet, drugs & unnatural supplements, and lifestyle), then their "odds book' is correct. But when someone doesn't play by their rules and learns to heal the body naturally, then it TOTALLY screws their "odds books", predictions and sometimes even their diagnosis. Dr. Schulze called this The Faulty Mathematics of Medicine ...and it's definitely worth considering and understanding. Basically, as long as you utilize truly natural (not alternative) healing methodology for your natural body and >>>if you live an above-average life-style, a healthy life-style, doctors will know little or nothing about how your body will react and recover from disease or your healing potential. You can expect to have medical miracles happen as occurred with Dr. Schulze's heart, hand and knee as well as all of his patients.
Do u know of anything that would help for appetite, her eye healing and energy? Absolutely, I do! :)
Eye healing - there's no way I'd mess around with this! I'd have her doing 5 eyewashes daily (at the minimum) with this: How To Use The Eyebright Eyewash [+ Uny Edit] Eyebright All-in-one post and I know! I know! :) (Eyebright Formula herbs & qualities) Re: WOOHOO! & T... and Eyebright Formula ~!~ INFO BOMB ~!~ TESTIMONIALS GALORE ...as well as adding 4 droppersful internally 3x daily to go with the eyewashes. She'll see a measurable difference in her vision after a few days (most see the difference after a few eyewashes)...and it doesn't matter WHAT it causing the issue. She will see benefits rapidly with this formula (8oz is enough for 4 droppersful 3x daily, and a 2oz bottle will be more than enough for a couple of months/more of eyewashes). Start with Dr. Christopher's formula until she can tolerate 10 drops per eyecup/eyewash.
Appetite? When we're sick, it's natural for our appetite to decline (every animal in nature takes itself off food when it is sick). The absolutely best thing you can do for her is to give her highly nutritious fresh juices and veggie broth. Please read this as soon as you can, and you'll totally understand why this is true: JUICE-FASTING: The POWERFUL healing therapy! The worst thing possible is the thing that will zap her energy and quell her appeptite the most, and that's too much protein...and here's why: http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1698051#i AND (from an MD that is extremely 'nutrition knowledeable') Excess Protein Causes Diseases of Over-nutrition )...and of course, it's common knowledge how devastating too much protein is for the kidneys!
The Nutritional Yeast in the Superfood is 1/2 protein by weight and with a gallon of fresh juice daily (along with 4-6T of Superfood) you're mom would be getting more than enough protein AND more high-grade, easily assimilated & utilized fuel/nutrition (and enzymes) than she's likely ever had.
One of the most energy-zapping issues is also the most common (especially when compromised) and that's constipation. She'll feel so much better and more energetic if she's having 2-3 bms daily (but not by using magnesium based or magnesium supplements, because they work by drawing fluid out of the bloodstream into the intestines, which causes electrolytle imbalance and kidney stress). IF#1 is fantastic if she has issues there. And of course, replenishing the intestinal microbiota is SO important...raw milk kefir, water kefir, raw sauerkraut and all varieties lacto-fermented foods (and their juice) are awesome.
Symptoms of kidney compromise? (high bp, retaining fluid, edema, low back pain - are the obvious ones). As the kidneys become less able to remove waste, we see symptoms of acidosis/altering oxygen levels, high urea & potassium, etc...symtpoms include lethargy/fatigue, lack of appetite, alteration of thinking, rapid breathing, heart arrhythmias, more here: http://www.medicinenet.com/kidney_failure/page2.htm
If her kidneys need help & support (and whose don't, when we lose 10% of kidney function every decade after 30, and by the time we're 80 they're only performing at 50%), then several 5-day kidney cleanses are definitely in order. Kidney cleanses are THE easiest cleanse to do (just start the morning with a lemon/lime drink and then have several cups of tea with tincture added every day). More details here: [FAQ] Healing Cleanse: Kidney/Bladder: Working File Thread
By the way, I wouldn't suggest anything that 'chelates' or dump large amounts of toxins/metals into her bloodstream for her kidneys/liver to have to deal with. The #1 rule of healing is to stop any/everything that stresses the body in any way and start doing everything that takes stress off the body. Methinks it is time to start dealing with the 'symptoms & issues' that are apparent...as well as ensuring your mom's body is getting enough easily assimilated nutrients (fuel), so her body can have the fuel/energy it requires to not only make it through each day without going backward, but have the fuel required to restore and heal (without adding anything that's unnatural and/or hard for the body to process). That in itself will make a huge (and immediate) difference!
You know where to find me if you'd like more info or clarification :)
Healthiest of blessings,
Hi Uny and thanks again for the response.
It is complicated with my mom because she is such a picky eater, even when it comes to health.
At least, she stays away from gmo's and reads labels.
I wish I could make her some awesome green juices, but she just doesn't like them.
As far as garlic, I found absolutely no relief from taking 4 kyolic every 2 hours when I had a bad tooth infection.
I instantly got relief from the infection using 1,000 vitamin E.
I know the silver can kill the bad flora, but I am not sure it kills good flora.
I do give her Udo's super 8 daily in keifer, unfortunately, it is not raw.
Raw dairy is hard for me to get and I would love to gets some raw colostrum again.
As for Cayenne, I know the great benefits, but it gives my mom acid reflux and she refuses to take it or add it to her food.
Perhaps, after my mom gets her weight back up, she may change her mind about green juices.
I am using Dr Clark's 5% HCL and B1 for appetite and it is working.
She is eating again and I am so relieved.
I made a Dr Clark kidney cleanse, but she doesn't want to drink it, so I will look at a tincture instead for now.
Her potassium and sodium levels were low on her last blood work, according to Dr Clark's ranges, so I have added celtic sea salt pushes with ascorbic acid along with BSM for potassium.
This has helped alot as well.
I would rather she do the Moreless ph protocols, but she doesn't like the drink.
Damn, kids. They never want anything to do with that which is good for them!
Hi Uny and thanks again for the response. You're more than welcome! This is just SO true of our elders (in so many cases and so many ways!)...>>>Damn, kids. They never want anything to do with that which is good for them! <<< Doing our best IS the best we can do! I throw in some quickies below... It is complicated with my mom because she is such a picky eater, even when it comes to health. Dr. Christopher said (paraphrase) - the biggest mountain to overcome is that of our tastebuds. And in most cases, he was right. At least, she stays away from gmo's and reads labels. Good for her! I wish I could make her some awesome green juices, but she just doesn't like them. Green juices? Who said anything about green juices? We can all benefit from ALL kinds of juices...and carrot juice (with or without green apples) is SUPERLATIVE. Dr. Christopher's IP diet...one week of carrot juice; one week of apple juice; one week of grape juice. He cured thousands (and tens of thousands more have cured themselves since his time with his protocols & diet). But he didn't have 'green juices' on his protocol. 'Not saying they're "bad" (far from it)...I'm just sayin'... As far as garlic, I found absolutely no relief from taking 4 kyolic every 2 hours when I had a bad tooth infection. By "kyolic" I assume you mean dried/dehydrated garlic powder in a capsule. No matter what was meant, there's NO similarity in the efficacy of dried/powdered garlic capsules and raw, fresh organic garlic. The half-life of one of the most powerful constiuents of garlic (allicin) is somewhere around 15-30 minutes. With garlic, fresh/raw counts! I instantly got relief from the infection using 1,000 vitamin E. Always glad to hear when someone gets relief :) I know the silver can kill the bad flora, but I am not sure it kills good flora. I am sure. CS kills all single celled organisms via suffocation...do a google search using the phrase "single-celled" and the name of whatever good bacteria/organism in the gut you'd like. Just like 'Raid kills bugs dead'...CS kills single-cells dead. I do give her Udo's super 8 daily in keifer, unfortunately, it is not raw.Raw is best (of course), but homemade with real kefir grains and organic/unpasteurized milk is really good. Storebought is not so good (in fact, there's been some testing that shows many brands are void or near-void of any beneficial microbiota). Raw dairy is hard for me to get and I would love to gets some raw colostrum again. I understand. Raw milk is impossible to get in Iowa (very strong laws against)...we'd have to have or know someone with a cow or goat. As for Cayenne, I know the great benefits, but it gives my mom acid reflux and she refuses to take it or add it to her food. Let's all share a big :::eyeroll::: for those we care about that will/can not understand that undoing a lifetime of compromise is going to come along with a few 'events'...the adverse events from the pharmaceutical poisons don't seem to matter, but those from something natural & health are intolerable. All together now... big sigh and :::eyeroll::: :) Perhaps, after my mom gets her weight back up, she may change her mind about green juices. That's kinda like saying "after we solve the problem, we'll consider applying the solution"...but hey, whatever you/she choose is what y'all choose :) I am using Dr Clark's 5% HCL and B1 for appetite and it is working. She is eating again and I am so relieved. I made a Dr Clark kidney cleanse, but she doesn't want to drink it, so I will look at a tincture instead for now. Her potassium and sodium levels were low on her last blood work, according to Dr Clark's ranges, so I have added celtic sea salt pushes with ascorbic acid along with BSM for potassium. This has helped alot as well. I would rather she do the Moreless ph protocols, but she doesn't like the drink. Damn, kids. They never want anything to do with that which is good for them! 'Glad to hear she's improving and her appetite returned! As always, it always saddens me to see people using & recommending unnatural & fractionated isolates (which are really "drugs" to the body) in order to force the natural body into whatever action people feel it needs. If you find yourself wanting any more info or insight regarding truly natural healing, you certainly know where to find me! Healthiest of blessings (and Happiest of New Years!) I'll be sure to keep your mom in our prayers :) Uny Thanks, Paraboy
Hi Uny,
Thanks and I understand about getting ALL our nutrition from food, but we have to eat it.
When I was sick with gallstones for over 5 years, I would have done anything to find info and do what ever it took to get well.
However, no one had a clue and I found out on my own, once I got on the internet.
This place is such a great wealth of info for REAL healing and people that care.
Thanks again for being there,