Several years ago I had a very good friend and I came to realize that she was very special. There are those that come here to help that place themselves in great danger so that they can help. Without any fanfare they do great things to help protect people on this planet. They never brag about it, this country and the people that live here are very lucky to have people like this. Anyway, we started talking one day on the phone as sometimes we did and I don't know how she brought it up. It may have been that I started to speak about a dream that I had recently had. It was about a unit that we had both served in that had fought in Armageddon on the side of the Light. She was the commander of the unit and our unit was leaving and was going up to the etheric from the astral where the war had been fought. She started talking about some things about this unit and what we had done and that we needed to resign. I am still trying to find out if we won the war, but I think our side did (it does say in the Bible that Arch Angel Michael and the forces of Light would win Armageddon, and there have been other confirmations too). Anyhow we were in a sniper unit (have you ever seen the photo "Cat snipers, the only answer to bear cavalry" that was us). Anyhow I think we resigned because it was just taking too much out of many of us being in a war in our dreams and then being in waking life too. We witnessed horrible things as so often happens in war so she decided to disband the unit. I have done this as an anonymous post because I am sure many people are going to think that I am nuts but I was just telling her about this dream and she just started talking about this and I have learned over the years to listen very carefully when she says something. So sometimes things in dreams are more real than we realize.