There is an herb called Dodder Seed (cuscuta sinensis) which is used to treat sexua| disorders, including premature ejaculation. It exists in pills, take it far from meals.
But what you have to do is to train yourself by masturbating during a long time, and stop each time you reach the point where you are going to ejaculate. This is called the stop&go technique. You let the urge for ejaculation disappear, then start again. Very slowly, and try to last a long time. Your cllmax will also be a lot stronger due to the increased ocytocin level. The more you wait for the ejaculation, more strong will be the cllmax, and that applies for women too.
The "session" time must last at least 45minutes, so be really patient with yourself, and do it everyday.
You can also do kegel exercices, basically contract the muscles you use to retain your pee. Do series of 20 or 30 strong contractions (3 seconds each), 3x a day.
But masturbation is a very good key.
Talking with the partner is also a good idea, to establish a trust between you two. Stress is one of the biggest factor for premature ejaculation. It is a vicious circle, because you remain focussed on the problem, and this is what is making it a lot worse. So use images, always the same, that are absolutely not linked to sex (landscapes,...) when making love. This can help you, at least giving you confidence, then the vicious circle could be broken.
Rule out every physical problem too, and do not use drugs because they always have side-effects and will only be a temporary relief. You have to learn how to do, and drugs won't help you for that.