This is ironic! I was thinking the other day about the ratios. I actually stopped the Jarrows one,(15mg Opti-zinc/1mg copper) about 8 weeks ago. I started noticing fatigue, really tired. Any ways i wasn't taking any zinc or copper for 8 weeks and realised that i was CRAVING "chocolate" with a capital "C" big time, the more Molyb i took, the cravings got worse even tho despite my years of being exposed to in-organic Copper(drinking water, swimming and showers). Chocolate has COPPER and MAGNESIUM. I knew it wasn't Magnesium as i was taking it a bit and still am. ALong with B6, active form.
So if Newport says its possible to have both def and toxicity. This could explain things..
When i had this organic non-diary chocolate it had a lot of Iron 4mg per bar. I had three and felt pretty good, wondering if it was the Stevia
Sugar (it was low). But now i realise its the IRON! LOL
I will also change brands to Newport one! Thank you mate
WINNING!!! Got my tests done last week, find out if it is so! :) Thanks Newport and team!