My daughter is 7. She had some issues for a year. After testing with biofeedback we have EB virus, protozoan, disbiosis in the gut. I am worried about her growth. She has grown very slowly and seems like 1 year behind in her age group. Is low ACTH and low DHEA sign of pitutory malfunction or it is the sign of adrenal burden. Also dr's office have done some testing for her growth hormones and they say she is ok. I have dhea tested only through Asyra machine
ACTH is a pituitary hormone but its release is regulated by the adrenals. Low adrenal function will decrease ACTH output.
DHEA is secreted from the adrenal glands and low adrenal function will also lower its output.
If her adrenals were underactive though then she should have at least some of the other symptoms of low adrenals such as fatigue, allergies/asthma, water retention, depression and hypoglycemia when not eating frequently.
Do not try boosting her DHEA with DHEA supplements though since this can mess with the endocrine system. Stick to keeping her adrenals healthy with vitamin C and pantothenic acid sources and adaptogenic herbs as well as keeping her away from stimulants and steroidal medications.
Thanks so much, wonderful. That is what I thought.I thought about increasing DHEA then got scared. I will do the panthotenic and other herbs. What will be the best herbs to use?
Here is an old post on building up the adrenals, which also discusses the herbs I recommend: