Every one thinks they have "THE" solution and the problem is NEVER and will NEVER be that simple. One has to be realistic that there is no direct way to affect any one solution and that there are many approaches direct and indirect that all lead to a "relative" common goal. The model of single approach to any "complex" issue is THE "illusion" and will always be no matter the perspective. Take the paradigm of this site where many "think" that there is a single approach to good health whether it be iodine, liver flushes, fasting , some magic herb and on and on. It is NEVER going to be any ONE solution approach.
Bottom line is if doing the away with the Fed is "THE" solution from your view then just put your energies towards achieving that goal and not try to second guess what other apporaches can accomplish.
"If you don't like it. You won't understand it................"
There is no argument that the Fed is a major organ of the beast but here is little to none of a "direct" route to approach the issue from a mass perspective to abolish the Fed. The reality is that the playing field is much broader and that no approach by the very nature of mass consciousness is ever going to be any one single approach.