That's why mind over matter matters. Thank you for making this point. It is the first time I have ever felt any gratitude for my electronic affliction. For once I can celebrate my story of mechanical woe...
Machines don't work for me like they do for other people. There is something about my energy that causes them to run amuck. For example...
I bought an expensive stereo, brought it home, got the one my boyfriend really, really wanted. He was so happy. When I tried to turn it on nothing happened. I was going to box it up and take it back to the store because it didn't work right, but he protested. He clicked the button and it came on. He said I didn't push the button right. We had a big fight about how many ways there are to push a ding dang button. I tried pushing it with a different finger. I tried pushing it quickly. I tried pushing it slower. He put his finger on top of mine to show me how to push it. The dern machine would not come on for me. But it had no problems coming on for him. When he moved out, I couldn't listen to music unless I had a friend come over and push the button for me. So I gave the stereo to mother. She has no problems with it.
Guess maybe the robots will have a problem arresting me, too. Praise the Lord. Built in protection. Ya'll want some bad luck? Touch my twinky and I'll burn a candle. This is my spell. I cast it out upon you: They cannot hurt if you if you are innocent and you have no fear and you do not deserve to be enslaved. That is everyone. Believe it. Fear nothing. God said so. This is a delusion. Believe it. Buddha says so.