I have been battling with candida, gallbladder stones, skin problems, dry eyes and flaky scalp. and digestive issues....It all began to go down hill with my health 5 years ago when i got my first 2 fillings which resulted in severe acid refulx and
food allergies bad i didnt know about the fillings now......This past year ive been fighting candida with antifungals and liver flushing....although i have had positive results with both cleanses......i still feel sick at times. ....I know that i have high levels of my body.....I have an appointment with a Biodentist that studied with Dr. Huggins to began removal of my amalgams....My question to all who have experience in this area is......Will the REMOVAL of the
Amalgams make my Candida mutate and get alot worse.....and if soo how will i treat it......I DO NOT want to use DMSA or and synthetic chelator.....i would like to do Modified Citrus Pectin, Cilantro, Chlorella, Inrared Red Saunas.......Please HELP ME SOMEONE!.....I dont know what i am heading into and im SCARED!!!.....Im also still feelng a little dull pain in my liver area after my last liver flush......I DONT WANT TO GET WORSE>>>>.HELP!!